Sewage Sludge & Recycling
Sewage sludge and recycling with Hartmann Biofilters
Sewage sludge drying and odor reduction
The aspect of odor reduction in the areas of sewage sludge drying, fermentation residue drying and recycling plays an important role in the range of applications of biofilters. In the most complex drying processes in particular, sulphur-containing compounds or ammonia are formed, for example, which lead to odors and which must be neutralized.
According to our experience and various measurement results, it is very difficult to get below the legal limit of odor units of max. 500OU/m³ in a conventional way, for example with air washer systems. Many recognized measurements according to BImSchG have shown that the efficiency with these systems is max. 50 percent. In addition, these systems are expensive and maintenance-intensive.

The only measured biofilter in Germany
The Hartmann Biofilter is the only biofilter in Germany that has been officially measured. It is built in such a way that you will no longer have to change the filter material in the future. The efficiency in separating odors is up to 97 percent and guarantees compliance with the limit values for various substances and groups of substances.
The Hartmann Biofilter thus not only provides the most effective, but also the most sustainable biological exhaust air cleaning system and saves you expensive pre- or afterconnected systems for exhaust air cleaning such as air washers, activated carbon, thermal afterburning, etc.