Food Industry
Biological exhaust air purification in the food industry
Production exhaust air
Professional air purification also plays a major role in the food industry. The production exhaust air poses a major challenge for the food manufacturers – depending on the production sector. You will learn more about this topic shortly - in which we will prepare the content for this section - and in the meantime you are welcome to contact us personally.

The only measured biofilter in Germany
The Hartmann Biofilter is the only biofilter in Germany that has been officially measured and is used in a wide variety of applications. It is built in such a way that, once installed, it does not require any filter material replacement. The efficiency in separating odors is up to 97 percent and guarantees compliance with the limit values for various substances and groups of substances.
The Hartmann Biofilter thus not only provides the most effective, but also the most sustainable biological exhaust air cleaning system and saves you expensive pre- or afterconnected systems for exhaust air cleaning such as air washers, activated carbon, thermal afterburning, etc. You can find out more about the advantages of the Hartmann Biofilter, especially in the food industry, on request as part of a personal consultation.